2010.01.11 Monday 03:43 | 十二国記
2010.01.10 Sunday 21:14 | 十二国記
(Coming soon)
2010.01.09 Saturday 09:39 | 十二国記
site name: After the Sea
master: Kea & Lei
URL: http://afterthesea.blog.shinobi.jp/
banner: Please save to your own server.

master: Kea & Lei
URL: http://afterthesea.blog.shinobi.jp/
banner: Please save to your own server.
2010.01.09 Saturday 02:52 | 十二国記
Resource sites:
Fanart sites:

- The Twelve Kingdoms Wikipedia - Plot, terms, and characters info.
- Shanshinboku - A comprehensive listing of links to online fan-translations of novels, short stories, and spoken dramas in the Twelve Kingdoms series.
- Ranka - Fansite with a lot of information and contains a translation of Tonan no Tsubasa.
- Twelve Kingdoms Livejournal Community
- 十二麒麟・juunikirin - Great Twelve Kingdoms (fan) encyclopedia but mostly in Japanese and some English.
Fanart sites:

2010.01.01 Friday 01:58 | 十二国記