2010.03.16 Tuesday 16:03 | 十二国記
this doesnt look like yoko
this is why i dont draw her
my work area LOL which is dangerous....
lol these sketches suck
i will try to come up with better ideas but ill just draw and draw and draw O_O
then throw out bad ones i guess...
anyway in dec my mom gave me a light box and i never used it until today!
uh its pretty interesting/helpful so i dont have to erase lines and such O_O
i still make a lot of mistakes and its tedious tho...
i also thought of some short comic panels to draw....
but i forgot to write down notes or sketch anything so i hope i dont completely forget...
um thats it
kea you should be proud of me
2010.01.20 Wednesday 05:31 | 十二国記
I loooove Takasato! More than Taiki lol.
It's probably obvious from how much I draw them (and seemingly ONLY THEM lol) that Youko and Takasato(Okay, yeah, Taiki too, I guess, but more Takasato than Taiki) are my favorite characters. I hate saying I have favorites in Twelve Kingdoms because I love everything and everyone in it, but I admit that I have a very soft spot in my heart for these two. I dunno why lol. It must be the school uniforms. It's easy to draw haha.
I'm always glad to meet people who like Twelve Kingdoms. I used to watch it after school when I was younger, even though it was in Japanese on the Japanese channels and even though I didn't understand the word of it. It was that good heh heh. I used to really like the ending. I still love it, actually. 12K has a really good OST!
Here are a couple(literally) more things.
Skies of Dawn
2010.01.20 Wednesday 05:11 | 十二国記
I was working on a pchat and my tablet died (as usual) so I resorted to messing around with the tones...
Anyway!! The next translated volume of the Twelve Kingdoms novels is coming out in April! These three will be in it. Suzu, Koushou, and Sekki. '▽' Hurrah!
2010.01.11 Monday 11:54 | 十二国記 【絵チャ】
Keiki: lei
Youko: kea
Rakushun: dee
Backgroundless version....cause who knows when the background will be finished hahah...
More under the link.
Pchat of the usual, regular crew and one with Rikou in it...These are so old..
2010.01.11 Monday 10:58 | 十二国記